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School Board

Hardin ISD Board of Trustees




    Term Expires    

Angie Amyx




Charles Bolds

Vice President



Dana Holst




Stephanie Clark




Chris McCarty




Michelle Hotaling




Shanitria Elmore





The Hardin ISD Board of Trustees usually meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 PM. Board meeting take place at the Administration building, located at 12195 HWY 146 N, Liberty, Texas 77575.  In the event that large attendance is anticipated, the board may meet at the Hardin High School Library which is located at 501 FM 834, Liberty, Texas 77575. Special meetings may be called when necessary. A written notice of regular and special meetings will be posted on the district website and at the Hardin ISD Administration building at least 72-hours before the scheduled meeting time. The written notice will show the date, time, place, and subjects of each meeting. In emergencies, a meeting may be held with a two-hour notice.

All meetings are open to the public. In certain circumstances, Texas law permits the board to go into a closed session from which the public and others are excluded. Closed session may occur for such things as discussing prospective gifts or donations, real-property acquisition, certain personnel matters including employee complaints, security matters, student discipline, or consulting with attorneys regarding pending litigation.

  • August 19, 2024
    September 16, 2024
    October 21, 2024
    November 18, 2024
    December 16, 2024
    January 27, 2025
    February 17, 2025
    March 24, 2025
    April 21, 2025
    May 19, 2025
    June 16, 2025
    July 21, 2025

    • August


      Board Agenda Items

      • Public hearing for proposed tax rate
      • Approval of budget
      • Set the tax rate
      • Approve the Student Handbook
      • Approve the Staff Handbook
      • Approve the Athletic Handbook
      • Approve FFA Handbook
      • Policy Updates
      • Approve district teacher appraisal calendar
      • New student registration report
      • Fall athletic schedules


      Budget Finance Items

      • Publish the budget hearing notice at least 10 days but not more than 30 days before the hearing
      • Adopt budget
      • Set tax rate
      • Final budget amendments made prior to August 31


      Board Training

      • Team of Eight in November
      • Board Operating Procedure
      • Legislative Update (biennial – odd # years)




      Follow-up Items

      • Were all accountability ratings, current TAPR report and current school report card on the district’s website by the 10th day of school?
      • Have District Improvement Plans been implemented?  Has Superintendent received the Region’s Superintendent planning guide for the current school year?
      • When reviewing the tax rate were all pennies collected (gold/copper)?


    • September


      Board Agenda Items

      • Policy Updates
      • Teacher Appraisal Calendar
      • Fund Raising Projects
      • Review of Instructional Programs
      • Procedures for weather days
      • Beginning of school enrollment report
      • Review of instructional course offerings

      Budget / Finance

      • Review student attendance figures as compared to prior year and budget projections
      • Prepare for annual financial audit


      Board Training

      • Team of Eight
      • Superintendent Evaluation Training
      • Board Operating Procedures
      • Legislative Update (biennial – odd # years)




      • Labor Day
      • International Literacy Day
      • Grandparents’ Day


      Follow-up Items

      • Identify date for renewal of teacher contracts
      • Were all accountability ratings, current TAPR report and current school report card on the district’s website by the 10th day of school?



    • October


      Board Agenda Items

      • Approve textbook committee
      • Policy Updates
      • Approval of class size waiver (if appropriate)
      • Calculate state aid using end-of-first-six-weeks student data
      • Administrators’ formative evaluations – mid contract review
      • Hold a public hearing on TAPR report
      • Ensure School Report Card is included with first six weeks grade report
      • Review PEAMS data for ESSA programs prior to snapshot date
      • Sale of Old Busses
      • Snapshot Numbers


      Budget Finance Items

      • Mail Tax Statements
      • Detailed Summary of Finance Update – Near final SOF Release for previous year
      • Public hearing of School Financial Integrity Rating System (FIRST) If not released, schedule next meeting
      • Annual review of Long-Range Debt Plan – part of quarterly superintendent evaluation

      Board Training

      • Superintendent Evaluation Process
      • Board Operating Procedures



      • Computer Learning Month
      • Fire Prevention Month
      • National Principals Month
      • Red Ribbon Week
      • Boss’s Day

      Follow-up Items

      • Superintendent Formative Review paperwork needs to be passed out at the next board meeting and by the December meeting.  Superintendent Review and Compensation to be finalized in January. 



    • November


      Board Agenda Items

      • Fall ADA report
      • Appraisal Review Board Vacancies
      • Special populations enrollment review (bilingual/ESL, migrant, and special ed.)
      • Winter Athletics Schedule




      Budget Finance Items

      • Submit current budget to TEA through PEIMS
      • Develop and distribute enrollment projections by grade level
      • Determine staffing requirements based on grade level enrollment projections


      Board Training

      • Superintendent Evaluation Training
      • Board Operating Procedures



      • Transportation Operations Report due December
      • Thanksgiving
      • Election Day
      • Veterans Day


      Follow-up Items

      • Pass out Superintendent Evaluations and collect data
      • Is there a bus in the budget?
      • How much is the contingency fund?
      • How much is being set aside for large capital improvements? (A/Cs, roofs, fields, facilities)?



    • December


      Board Agenda Items

      • Board reviews Superintendent Information
      • Annual performance report this month or next
      • Tax collection agreement
      • First look at proposed calendar(s) for next year
      • Final fall athletic gate report
      • Review School Board Election Calendar and appointment of election judges
      • Review of Annual School Board Training Hours by Superintendent




      Budget Finance Items

      • Develop a tentative budget calendar
      • Semi-annual presentation from Delinquent Tax Report
      • Determine budget goals of the Board


      Board Training

      • Superintendent Evaluation Training


      • Transportation operations report due electronically December 1
      • Special Education Day
      • Christmas


      Follow-up Items

      • Have Campus Improvement Plans been implemented?



    • January


      Board Agenda Items

      • Board Appreciation Month
      • Superintendent’s Evaluation (Summative – formal and discuss compensation)
      • Superintendent’s Contract
      • Administrator’s Evaluations
      • Annual Audit Report
      • Selection of Auditor for next year
      • Graduation Plans / Students on track to graduate
      • School Calendar for Next Year (Proposed)
      • Review implementation of district / campus improvement plans


      Budget Finance Items

      • Annual Audit due to TEA no later than January 28th for districts with August 31st fiscal year-end
      • Budget Workshop Calendar
      • Review program needs and trends
      • Determine funding for each campus and department (zero based, per pupil funding, etc.)
      • Semi annual conversation with financial advisor to see if any bonds can be refunded, TX Pool & other investments.


      Board Training

      • Goal Setting
      • Legislative Update (Biennial)



      • MLK Day


      Follow-up Items

      • Review procedures for Cheer Tryouts with HS principal.  When are tryouts scheduled?



    • February


      Board Agenda Items

      • Order trustee election for schools with May elections
      • Administrative recommendations/contracts (executive session)
      • Adoption of school calendar (this month or next)
      • School board tenure survey
      • Schedule for Public Schools Week
      • Spring athletic schedules
      • UIL re-district report (biennial)
      • Recommend to Board all personnel contract renewals and non-renewals – administrators
      • Discuss and consider Election Judge and Clerk list for May School Board Election
      • Open Lawn Maintenance Bids


      Budget Finance Items

      • Enrollment projections
      • Transfer student numbers/planning
      • Calculate state aid using end-of-fourth


      Board Training

      • Goal Setting
      • Team of Eight
      • Board Candidate Training for May Elections



      • Board Candidate Workshop (May elections)
      • Black History Month


      Follow-up Items

      • School Bus Driver and Recertification Trainings – Number of Bus Drivers, Review Bus Driver Pay
      • Is Superintendent signed up for Finance Training?
      • Evaluate outsourcing Lawn Service



    • March


      Board Agenda Items

      • Teacher contracts
      • Summer school program and transportation proposal
      • Textbook selection approval
      • Commodities application and approval
      • Scholarship committees
      • Adoption of school calendar (this month or last month)
      • Adopt District Goals as applicable
      • Develop / Update District Plan
      • Football schedule for next year
      • Order Trustee Election and Notice of Election or Consider and Take Action on the Cancellation Of the election if no one is running against current trustees
      • If election is cancelled, Consider and Take Action on the Certification of Unopposed Candidates
      • Ratify textbook committee recommendations


      Budget Finance Items

      • Winter Athletic gate report
      • Distribute campus and department budget forms
      • Meet with campus personnel to develop budget needs for next year
      • First revenue estimates
      • Continue Budget Process
      • Develop and recommend hiring schedule for next year, including raises for staff.
      • Recommend to the Board any new positions being requested for the upcoming school year


      Board Training

      • Goal Setting
      • Team of Eight



      • Pressure test natural gas piping (every 2 years) HB 1611
      • Dip / CIP submitted to TEA
      • Has a calendar been created for teacher appraisals and do we need to designate a second appraiser?
    • Follow-up Items

      • TASB Summer Conference – Decide to Approve or not.  If approved, schedule and make arrangements.


    • April         


      Board Agenda Items

      • Declare May election cancelled (if appropriate)
      • Set meeting to canvass May election results (see election calendar for specifics)
      • New extracurricular organizations (if appropriate)
      • Approve summer school plans
      • Student-teacher agreements
      • Final review of graduation plans and numbers
      • Board Training CEC Report of Hours Must be Read/Announced by Board President for May elections
      • Discuss and Approve Board Meeting Calendar for upcoming school year


      Budget Finance Items

      • Meet with principals regarding staffing needs
      • Proposed campus budgets turned in
      • Estimates of costs for summer maintenance projects
      • Continue Budget Process


      Board Training

      • Most Goal Setting should be finished this month
      • Team of Eight



      • Administrative Professionals Week/Day


      Follow-up Items

      • District should begin hiring based on campus input – requires Board approval
      • Have TASB Summer Arrangements been made if attending?






    • May


      Board Agenda Items

      • Canvass ballots for those with May elections at a Special Meeting
      • Oath of Office for new board member
      • Reorganize board
      • Receive and review Region 5 ESC Programs and Services Commitment
      • Preliminary budget review
      • Special education co-op reports (if appropriate)


      Budget Finance Items

      • First draft of budget prepared
      • Notices of appraised values received
      • Continue Budget process campus level



      Board Training

      • New Board Member Local Orientation must be done within 120 days (May elections)
      • New Board Member Orientation to the Texas Education Code must be done within 120 days, and must be done by an Education Service Center.
      • Team of Eight
      • Review and identify areas for Board Training


      • New trustee orientation
      • Teacher Appreciation Week & National Teacher Day
      • National Music Week
      • National School Nurse Day
      • Continue developing campus improvement plans


      Follow-up Items

      • Establish summer central office hours
      • Continue hiring based on campus input – requires Board Approval
      • Food Service Management Contracts due to TDA – May 31st


    • June


      Board Agenda Items

      • Superintendent’s Evaluation (Formative – mid contract check-up)
      • School supply bids
      • Tax attorney report and contract
      • Review of proposed budget
      • Review of purchasing procedures
      • Calendar to adopt budget/set tax rate
      • Region 5 Cooperative Commitments Submitted


      Budget Finance Items

      • Spring athletic finance report
      • Second budget workshop
      • Salary schedule, wages, and stipends
      • Calculate state aid using end-of-year student data
      • Semi-annual conversation with financial advisor to see if any bonds can be refunded
      • Semi-annual presentation from delinquent tax firm
      • Approve lunch pricing for upcoming school year


      Board Training

      • New Board Member Local Orientation must be done within 120 days (May Elections)
      • New Board Member Orientation to the Texas Education Code must be done within 120 days, and must be done by an Education Service Center.
      • Team of Eight
      • TASB San Antonio



      • Reserve TVE as graduation back-up for upcoming year


      Follow-up Items

      • When is the 45 day timeline for teachers to back out of contracts?


    • July


      Board Agenda Items

      • Adopt proposed tax rate for inclusion in the August Public Hearing
      • Food service bids
      • Student insurance carrier approval
      • Drug dog contract
      • Lunchroom prices
      • Summary of resignations
      • In-service schedule for next year
      • Student/staff handbooks
      • Personnel vacancies
      • Approve Student Code of Conduct


      Budget Finance Items

      • Budget workshop
      • Completion of final budget for presentation to the board
      • Receive certified tax roll from CAD
      • Publish public hearing notice for tax rate in the appropriate newspaper
      • Prevailing Wage Rates – done every 2-3 years


      Board Training

      • New Board Member Local Orientation must be done within 120 days (May elections)
      • New Board Member Orientation to the Texas Education Code must be done within 120 days, and must be done by an Education Service Center.
      • Team of Eight



      • Final Board Candidate Financial Forms Due (May Elections)


      Follow-up Items

    • Pressure test natural gas piping (every 2 years) HB 1611
    • Dip / CIP submitted to TEA
    • Has a calendar been created for teacher appraisals and do we need to designate a second appraiser?