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District Calendars

District Calendars

Below you will find the District Academic Calendar, District Event Calendar, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

2024-2025 District Academic Calendar

2025-2026 District Academic Calendar

District Event Calendar

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hardin ISD conducted a community and staff survey after several surrounding districts moved to a four day week to determine interest in that model. The survey overwhelmingly indicated that respondents felt a four day week was preferable. Additionally, to retain personnel, we must remain competitive with other districts.

    Surveys conducted each year following implementation indicate an even larger percentage of respondents that prefer the four day week calendar or as many Fridays off as possible in the school calendar.

  • School districts are required to attend school a minimum of 75,600 minutes which equals approximately 156 school days per year. We add a minimum of two days per school year to cover any unplanned school closures due to weather or other events that might impact the school calendar. Without the added minutes/days, we would have to make up any day missed. Historically, we have only had to close one or two days a year. In the event that we have to close more and the state does not waive the days, we would be required to use some of our off Fridays to make up time. To add more Fridays or additional breaks, the school year would have to be extended into June.

  • Hardin ISD partners with Lee College for dual credit enrollment requiring students to attend classes on Lee College campuses so we match our Spring break schedule to avoid issues with students schedules and transportation.

  • The school calendar is divided into two semesters with the first semester ending in December. Every effort is made to balance the two semesters to maximize student’s opportunities to master content, which is particularly important to secondary students who earn credits by semester. These dates change each year depending on where Christmas falls on the calendar resulting in variations to the academic calendar. Partial weeks are also avoided as much as possible as it impacts implementation of academic instruction. Additionally, the majority of respondents on the administered surveys indicated a preference for more time off after the holiday busy season.

  • The Hardin ISD website contains valuable information regarding school events. On the district homepage and on this page there is a calendar with all school events listed. These events are listed as soon as they become available. Any changes will be updated as soon as they become available.

  • The required amount of PD varies based on legislative mandates and requirements. In addition to the annual required hours, there are also required district mandated hours that specifically address needs identified in the needs assessments and staff surveys conducted throughout the school year. HISD has created a variety of options for teachers to obtain their required professional learning to be meet the needs of all learning styles and preferences.