To best meet your needs, registration is available any school day between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Please make sure you have all required documentation. You may find more information in the sections below, or by contacting the campus registrar.
Registration Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Shannon Cambiaso
PEIMS Coordinator
Any questions about enrolling and withdrawing students should be directed to the campus registrars:
Yuri Hernandez
Registrar - High School (9th-12th Grade)
Bethany Cain
Registrar - Junior High (6th-8th Grade)
Hardin ISD is now using Ascender for student information and records. To complete online enrollment please use the following link to access the Ascender Parent Portal:
Please review the Ascender Parent Portal guide on enrolling your child at the following link: Ascender Parent Portal Flyer
If you need assistance with logging in to the Ascender Parent Portal, or if you have any other questions regarding enrollment, please contact the campus that your child will attend and ask to speak with the registrar.
Hardin High School: 936-298-2118
Hardin Junior High: 936-298-2054
Hardin Elementary: 936-298-2114
We are always happy to welcome new students into the Hardin Family. Below is information to help you if your student will be a transfer student from another district. Please complete the Student Transfer Request form and bring all the information to the Administration Office.